Guide to your FIRST period

Get comfy and grab yourself a warm drink because we are about to spill the tea.


Welcome Luna Lovers,

We are so excited to bring you your guide to getting your FIRST period. 

We will cover all things first time flow, and hopefully have you feeling a bit more prepared for your first period by the end! 

Get comfy and grab yourself a warm drink because we are about to spill the tea. 


So, you’ve never had a period before? 

You’re probably scared, nervous and excited rolled into one which trust us, is super normal!

The average age most people get their period is between 12-14, but it can happen from as young as 9 to around ~16. So, if you’re early or late, don't sweat it, you're not alone!


What you’ll need. 

First things first, let’s get you organised! 

You’re going to need supplies when the day does come. It’s up to you what period protection you wish to use. For first timers our recommendation is a combo of period briefs and pads. 

To start let’s aim for around 5-7 pairs of period briefs, a box of regular pads and a box of super pads! Here’s a sneaky trick: pads can also be worn inside your period briefs for added protection in case you’re worried about leaking. Same with super pads! These are great for nighttime wear, especially if you’re a heavy bleeder.


What to expect. 

Getting your period for the first time can be really confusing. Everyone’s period is different, and only time will tell what your cycle will be like. 

Despite what you may think, no, the blood doesn’t just gush out of you like a tsunami, but heavy periods are a thing. Your period might be really chill and light, or it could be painful and heavy. Or it could be a combo of these! Your period could be bright red or brown, both are normal. Typically, we see brown or darker blood at the beginning or the end of your period, indicating your period is likely about to start or end. Bright red blood can be expected during the heaviest days of your period. 

It’s typical to experience some cramping, headaches, nausea and fatigue, so take it easy and rest up. You might also feel a bit moody leading up to or on your period. It’s normal to feel a little irritated, cranky, or even a bit sad. Trust your body and take breaks where needed.


What’s NOT normal?

If you’re experiencing painful cramps that stop you from going about your day you should organise to see your GP or health care professional. At no point in your period or throughout your cycle should you be in excruciating pain, no matter what anyone says. It is also not normal to experience blood clots during your period. Although they may be common, they likely mean something else is going on. Cramps and clots can indicate a variety of conditions such as Endometriosis, PCOS or Adenomyosis. 

The same can be applied when it comes to mood swings throughout your cycle. We know PMS (premenstrual syndrome) exists and is quite common. However, it is not normal to feel anger, hatred, extreme sadness or high levels of irritation. Extreme mood swings and feelings of intense emotions aren’t normal and could likely indicate something like PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). 

Whilst PMDD is only now starting to gain recognition in mainstream media, a lot of doctors and mental health professionals are trained to identify PMDD. Again, it's best to chat to your GP about this. They will be able to assist you in finding services that can help alleviate some of the symptoms that go along with mood disorders like PMDD.


Our DMs are always open if you have any questions, but we hope this helps you be as organised and prepared as you can.

Love, Luna xx

*The advice provided in this blog is general in nature and is not intended as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your health care professional.


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