Easy Undo Briefs

How They Work?
These briefs have a special superpower! When it’s time to change underwear, the handy hook featured on each side allows you to easily unclip and slide them off. This game changing idea allows you to replace your undies with a fresh pair, without even having to remove your jeans! This is perfect for those times when you want to freshen up, but don't want to be barefoot in public toilets! 

The easy undo design is also perfect for anyone with mobility difficulties and can make life a little easier by potentially being able to slide them out from underneath you when they need washing. Plus, isn't that satin elastic waistband super cute!?

What is the absorbency?
With our trusted four-layer protection, these silky soft undies lock your period away, keeping you dry, comfy and confident.
These briefs are designed for medium flow coverage and can absorb 10-15ml (2-3 regular tampons).

Wear them on their own or as a backup - only you know your flow.

Find your fit here


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